Cy Pres Awards and the Policy Center

Cy pres permits a court to award any unallocated, unclaimed, or undeliverable funds from a class action settlement or judgment to a non-profit organization.

Given the Policy Center’s work advancing a health care system that provides women with the maternal health and mental health care they deserve, the Policy Center is an ideal choice for a cy pres Award and has been approved as a cy pres recipient in past class action litigation.

Our multi-faceted approach combines insurance coverage case advocacy, education, media engagement and policy advocacy to break down barriers and empower mothers and their families to receive the care they deserve.  

Following is an example of a case for which we supported the insurance appeal, regulatory complaint filing, and media outreach. This work ultimately led to Kaiser revising its coverage position to allow for easier access to this life-saving drug. It also led to the federal Department of Labor’s investigation into Kaiser’s compliance with the Federal mental health parity law. 

Our work is conducted nationally, so we are eligible to be nominated in federal courts as well as state courts throughout the country. 

If you, your firm, or someone you know is party to or counsel on a class action case involving potential cy pres awards, you can nominate the Policy Center as an awardee. 

To help provide critical program support, please consider adding the Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health to your firm’s list of eligible cy pres recipients.

If you have questions or would like more information about our work or the cy pres process, please contact