2018 CA Legislation

California Maternal Mental HealthCalifornia Maternal Mental Health lawAB 2193 California just signed one of the world’s most comprehensive maternal mental health bill packages into law. Joy Burkhard 2020 Mom Founder and Director.

CA 2020 Mom "Sponsored" Legislation Including AB 2193, the 'Maternal Mental Health Screening Law'

September 26, 2018, California's governor, Jerry Brown signaled to the world, that #ItsTimeToSupportMoms by signing the following sweeping maternal mental health legislation into law:

With 1 in 8 U.S. births occurring here, and as California health law is often referenced as a model for other states, this bill package is expected to make a significant difference in the lives of U.S. families.

AB 2193, Maternal Mental Health Screening and Support – Brian Maienschein (R) 

This bill took effect July 1, 2019.

Requires obstetric providers to confirm screening for maternal depression has occurred or to screen women directly, at least once during pregnancy or the postpartum period.  It also requires private and public (Medicaid) health plans (HMOs) and health insurers (PPOs) to create maternal mental health programs. Read AB 2193 Frequently Asked Questions document here.

AB 3032, Hospital Maternal Mental Health  Jim Frazier (D)

Starting January 1, 2020, requires hospitals to provide maternal mental health training to clinical staff who work with pregnant and postpartum women, and to educate women and families about the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders as well as any local treatment options.

These bills are rooted in the recommendations from the CA Task Force on Maternal Mental Health which was formed at the urging of the legislature through ACR 148.  Together these bills will provide life-saving and family-stabilizing support to doctors and women and help reduce the $2.25 billion dollar cost to California's society of untreated maternal mental health disorders, like postpartum depression.

AB 1893, Maternal Mental Health Federal Funding Brian Maienschein (R)

Was signed by the governor on July 20, 2018 and required the state Department of Public Health to apply for federal funding provided through the Bringing Postpartum Depression Out of the Shadows Act (part of the 21st Century Cures Act) for development of MMH programs which could include a public awareness campaign.

ACR 180, Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month – Marie Waldron (R)

Declares May 2018 Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month (which was an opportunity to raise awareness among assembly members prior to the floor vote of the three other MMH bills).

CA Maternal Mental Health Laws & Provider Hospital Resources Webinar
June 2019 • Sponsored by MomsWell

Resources for Obstetricians and Hospitals

Overview of MMH Laws for Moms and Families

Resources from the Department of Managed Health Care



Maternal Mental Health Now